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Donald Trump lashed out over Christianity today after they asked to remove Trump from office

Angry Donald Trump open his twitter war against the magazine "Christianity today" after the magazine ask to remove Donald Trump from the office after impeachment.

Donald Trump lashed out on Christianity Today demand for removing Trump from office after impeachment
Drew Angerer / Staff / Getty Images

Angry Donald Trump open his twitter war against the magazine "Christianity today" after the magazine ask to remove Donald Trump from the office after impeachment.

Christianity Today, the evangelical Christian magazine founded by televangelist Billy Graham, called for Donald Trump’s removal from office following the president’s impeachment, marking a significant split from what has typically been Trump’s staunch base.

The editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, wrote: “The facts in this instance are unambiguous: the president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents.

“That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral,” he wrote.

"A far left magazine, or very “progressive,” as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather....have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!"  Trump ..

 “We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath,” Galli continued. “The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people.”

The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

Trump posted some edited images of him which says, In reallity they are not after me, they are after you, I'm just in the way.

Donald Trump impeachment

