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Trump quotes former David Cameron aide likening impeachment impact to UK general election result

Trump quotes former David Cameron aide likening impeachment impact to UK general election result.

Trump quotes former David Cameron aide likening impeachment impact to UK general election result

 Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock

Donald Trump lashed out at top Democrats, the president loosely quoted Fox News’ Steve Hilton who yesterday likened the impeachment inquiry’s impact on the 2020 election to Brexit and the UK’s general election.

“For the last three years in England, the establishment tried to overturn the 2016 Brexit vote and the people told them to get lost. They meant it the first time and they voted for it a second time,” said the presenter, who also indulged in the Ukraine-Biden conspiracy during his defence of the president – a theory which US intelligence officials have warned serves Russian interests. 

Mr Hilton, a former director of strategy for David Cameron, added: “They meant it the first time and they voted for it a second time. Here in America it will be the same but even more so, because while in England nothing got done during the establishment’s attempted counter-revolution, in this country, while all this has been going on – the obstruction, the impeachment, Russia, Ukraine, whatever, president Trump has managed to deliver not just his promises, but a record … which surely adds up to one of the most successful presidencies in history.”
Mr Trump posted an interpretation to his followers:

“Here in America it will be the same victory as BREXIT, but even more so. In the U.S., while all of this has been going on, the Impeachment, the obstruction, the resistance, President Trump has managed to deliver not just promises, but a record which adds up to one.....of the most successful presidencies in history. Just in the last few days, incredible jobs numbers, giant trade deals, help for working families, and much more. Over the last 3 years, unemployment falling, earnings rising, criminal justice reform, the heartland revived,.... energy independence, manufacturing resilience, illegal immigration coming down, the Wall going up, China confronted, the caliphate defeated, NAFTA renegotiated, our military rebuilt, NATO paying more, regulations costing less,.......and much more. This is why they’re.... impeaching him. They hate the fact, above all, that this president is delivering. Substantial policy results for the working Americans who put him in the White House, and they can’t beat him in a fair fight next year.” Thank you Steve!

Mean time The US president has shared several clips and statements backing his assertion that the impeachment efforts are unwarranted and playing badly with the public, despite a poll from Fox News suggesting a majority of Americans support his impeachment.
His aide and White House social media director Dan Scavino has shared a which appears to show he or an associate hounding Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler over his efforts to impeach the president, with one person heard saying: "You will be exposed for your treason."

Mr Trump also appeared to back Dan Scavino's calls for former White House press director Sarah Huckabee-Sanders to run for governor of Arkansas, and branded the impeachment efforts "the greatest con-job in the history of American politics".


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