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Trump 'Insultingly' canceled Denmark tour after getting refusal to his interest in Greenland

Image Credit: CBC News

  • Green land is not for sale, said Danish Prime Minister.

  • Trump canceled Denmark tour as Denmark Prime Minister refused to talk about the Greenland purchase.

  • Trump being rude for canceling his scheduled tour of Denmark.

Donald Trump “Insultingly” canceled  Denmark tour that was scheduled in September for the reason none other then the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen refused to have a talk about the purchasing of Green land, about which Donald Trump had shown interest in the past few days for buying it for a reason unknown.Trump said in his that Denmark is very special and incredible people but he is going to cancel his tour to Denmark because The Danish Prime Minister showed no interest to discuss the matter of  purchasing Greenland so I am going to postpone this upcoming tour for some other time in future. Trump actually gave a message that the tour can be rescheduled if Denmark consider his offer on Greenland.

“Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time....”
"....The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!"

In a reply to a question by a reporter on Sunday Trump said  that“it's something we talked about. Denmark essentially owns it, we're very good allies with Denmark, Strategically it's interesting and we'd be interested, but we'll talk to them a little bit."But, "first we have to find out whether or not they have any interest."

In response to trump offer Danish Prime Minister told media on Sunday that,"Greenland is not for sale, Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland. I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously.” That time is over when countries were being sold, she added.

Donald Trump act has been very criticised by many for canceling the tour just because his interests were not fulfilled. Many had called it insulting because the tour was almost close and the preparation was almost complete for the United States president and a lot more was scheduled to be discussed in the meeting. Many strategic deals were expected when between the United States and Denmark and all of sudden it’s over  because of one very minor thing of not discussing the matter of purchasing the Greenland. It’s very obvious now that Donald Trump himself purpose for visiting Denmark was to ask them only one thing and that is buying Greenland. How insulting it is for the Denmark Prime minister and officials and of course the incredible people of Denmark that Trump mentioned them in his tweet. Trump made a joke them in front of the world.

Former Minister of Business and Financial Affairs in Denmark reacted to Trump canceling the Denmark tour and said in his that “for no reason Trump assumed that a part of our country is for sale. Cancel the visit that is very insulting. He further asked probably Trump that Is any part of US is for sale? And then writes Alaska.”
“As a Dane (and a conservative) it is very hard to believe. For no reason Trump assumes that (an autonomous) part of our country is for sale. Then insultingly cancels visit that everybody was preparing for. Are parts of the US for sale? Alaska? Please show more respect.”
