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What weird things have Trump said or done in the past one week

Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

Although Trump had made over 12,000 false or misleading claims in the past 930+ days according to the washington Post, but here are few that Trump had claimed In the past week. Trump had made some weird and unbelievable statements and had done some really crazy things. Below are just few of them.

We all know that Trump visited Shell Petrochemical plant and gave a speech for his 2020 election campaign last week, but most of us don’t know what weird things had Trump said their.
Trump gave speech over energy for a plant that was built to convert natural gas into plastic products . They tried hard to promote it as an energy project for his political scoring for example Trump during his speech mocked at the windmills by saying that ,“when the wind stops blowing, it doesn't make any difference, unlike those big windmills that destroy everybody property value, kill all the birds, and all of a sudden it stops, the wind and the television go off and your wives and husbands says darling I want to watch Donald Trump on TV tonight.”

Trump cashed the project by saying that the project was made possible because of him but in actual Shell announced to build the complex in Obama’s era in 2012. The most recent thing that was reported by the  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the Trump speech at Beaver County was a ‘ come and get paid’ one for the visitors which was also called later ‘NO SCAN, NO PAY’. Those who arrived at 7 am and waited for the president will only get paid for their time. A contractor wrote the rules for his workers before the speech. During the speech Trump told the workers about the Union leader that if they don’t support him for re-election in 2020 “Vote them hell out of the office, they are not doing their jobs”.

Donald Trump Told his advisers that he thinks that Israel should ban Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib on entering Israel for promoting Israel boycott. Later the same was announced by the Israeli government and banned two from ‘The Squad’ for entering into Israel, however later one request Tlaib was given permission to visit her grandmother but strict conditions were applied on behalf of which Tlaib refused to pay a visit. Trump called Rashida Tlaib refusal to Israeli offer a setup and said “it looks like a setup to me”. Still we don’t know on what basis Trump had called it a setup against Israel.

Trump did do a good thing for postponing the tariff implementing on 300 bn Dollar Chinese goods in the wake of christmas arrival. Trump told at one point to the media that he delayed tariffs "for the Christmas season" on cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, and certain types of footwear and clothing "just in case" there would be a negative impact on shoppers during the holidays. At One point Trump said that this presidency thing is costing him fortune as he it has cost him 5 bn Dollars(without any valid evidence)  in the wake of various lawsuits as multiple cases are against him, accusing lawyer for suing him every day for some reason.

Trump insulted one of his die hard supporter during the rally saying "That guy has got a serious weight problem. Go home, get some exercise!" The Guy named Frank was wearing "Trump 2020" shirt, was standing near a group of protesters holding two banners. Trump later called from Air Force One, and left a voicemail message for Frank, but did not apologize.

Trump attacked NYT by calling journalism in US crooked by saying that it has reached the lowest in our country's history as they are doing nothing but turned into evil propaganda machine for Democrats. The reporting has become a joke as they are very false, baseless and evil.

The Failing New York Times, in one of the most devastating portrayals of bad journalism in history, got caught by a leaker that they are shifting  from their Phony Russian Collusion Narrative (the Mueller Report & his testimony were a total disaster), to a Racism Witch Hunt..........”Journalism” has reached a new low in the history of our Country. It is nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke...But the public is aware! #CROOKEDJOURNALISM. Thats the trend he created at the end of his sentence.

